A Study of Absurdity in Yu Hua’s Novels


  • Yaning Guo Author




Yu Hua, absurdity, narrative style, comparative study


Yu Hua focuses on the characteristics of pioneering narrative in his novels in the early stage and transforms to focus on realistic documentary novels in the later stage, which are divided into suffering writing and warm writing, but absurdity is a literary characteristic that has been running through his writing activities; it is also a kind of aesthetic writing characteristic that is different from that of traditional literature. It has significant prominence in depicting absurdity, leading readers to think about and question this irrational world. This paper, based on previous studies in the academic world, proposes the construction of the absurdity mapped out in Yu Hua’s novels in the dystopian world, which is divided into external and internal reasons: The way the technique of magic realism is presented in the creation, as well as the comparison of the presentation methods and spiritual themes in Chinese and Western dystopian workers, revealing that although there is still a big difference between these two works in terms of presentation methods, there is a similar spiritual world at the spiritual level. However, this paper hopes to be able to make additions and improvements to the academic community regarding the subject.





