Aims and Scope

Finance and Economic aims to provide a platform for researchers, academicians, and practitioners to disseminate and exchange knowledge and insights related to finance and economic analysis. The journal seeks to foster a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between financial markets, economic factors, and decision-making processes at both micro and macro levels. By exploring diverse perspectives, theoretical frameworks, and empirical studies, the journal strives to contribute to advancing the field of finance and economic analysis.

The scope of the journal encompasses a wide range of topics within the domains of finance and economic analysis, including but not limited to:

  • Financial Markets and Institutions: The journal invites contributions that examine the functioning, efficiency, and regulation of financial markets and institutions. Topics may include capital markets, banking systems, insurance markets, investment management, and financial intermediation.
  • Corporate Finance and Investment: Manuscripts focusing on corporate finance decisions, investment strategies, capital structure, mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, and risk management within firms are welcome.
  • Financial Econometrics and Quantitative Methods: The journal encourages submissions that employ econometric and quantitative techniques to analyze financial data, investigate asset pricing models, forecast market behavior, and assess risk and volatility.
  • International Finance and Trade: Research exploring the impact of globalization, international capital flows, exchange rate dynamics, trade policies, and international financial integration is of particular interest.
  • Financial Economics and Behavioral Finance: Manuscripts investigating the behavioral aspects of financial decision-making, market anomalies, investor sentiment, market efficiency, and asset pricing anomalies are encouraged.
  • Economic Policy and Macroeconomic Analysis: The journal welcomes studies focusing on macroeconomic theory, economic policy formulation, fiscal and monetary policies, economic growth, inflation, unemployment, and the role of institutions in shaping economic outcomes.
  • Development Economics and Emerging Markets: Research exploring the economic development of nations, poverty reduction, income inequality, and the challenges faced by emerging markets is encouraged.

Finance and Economic seeks to publish high-quality original research articles, empirical studies, theoretical contributions, literature reviews, and critical perspectives. In addition to research articles, the journal welcomes shorter commentaries, book reviews, and policy-oriented articles that contribute to understanding finance and economic analysis.

We encourage interdisciplinary approaches and invite contributions from scholars across disciplines such as finance, economics, accounting, statistics, mathematics, and related fields. The journal aims to foster intellectual exchange, stimulate dialogue, and contribute to advancing knowledge in finance and economic analysis.