Aims and Scope

The Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication Studies Journal is a scholarly publication that fosters interdisciplinary research, scholarship, and dialogue within humanities and communication studies. The journal aims to provide a platform for researchers, scholars, educators, and practitioners to explore the intersections between various disciplines, enhance understanding, and promote interdisciplinary approaches to studying human culture, communication, and expression.

The scope of the journal encompasses a wide range of topics within the realm of interdisciplinary humanities and communication studies, including but not limited to:

  • Cultural Studies and Critical Theory: The journal welcomes contributions that engage with cultural studies, critical theory, and interdisciplinary approaches to understanding cultural phenomena. This may include studies on cultural identities, representation, power dynamics, media studies, popular culture, and the socio-political dimensions of cultural practices.
  • Literature and Literary Studies: Manuscripts focusing on literary analysis, literary theory, comparative literature, and interdisciplinary studies in literature are encouraged. The journal invites research that explores the role of literature in shaping culture, identities, and society.
  • Linguistics and Language Studies: The journal invites research papers that examine various aspects of language, including sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, discourse analysis, language acquisition, pragmatics, and linguistic anthropology. Contributions that explore language in relation to culture, identity, and communication are particularly welcomed.
  • Visual and Performing Arts: Contributions related to visual arts, performing arts, film studies, theatre studies, and interdisciplinary approaches to artistic expression are encouraged. The journal invites research that examines the role of arts in society, aesthetics, artistic movements, and the intersections between different art forms.
  • Media and Communication Studies: Manuscripts focusing on media studies, communication theory, digital media, journalism, public relations, and media effects are welcome. The journal encourages interdisciplinary research that explores the impact of media and communication on society, culture, and human interactions.
  • Intercultural Communication and Global Studies: The journal invites research papers that explore intercultural communication, cross-cultural studies, global communication, international relations, and the impact of globalization on communication practices and cultural interactions.
  • Digital Humanities and Technology: Contributions related to digital humanities, computational methods, digital storytelling, digital culture, and the intersection of technology and humanities are encouraged. The journal welcomes research that explores the impact of digital technologies on human communication, culture, and creative expression.

The Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication Studies Journal seeks to publish original research articles, literature reviews, theoretical contributions, critical perspectives, and interdisciplinary dialogues. The journal encourages collaborations among scholars from diverse disciplines, including humanities, social sciences, arts, linguistics, media studies, and communication studies.

By fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and knowledge exchange, the journal aims to promote a deeper understanding of human culture, communication practices, and the interplay between various fields of inquiry. It seeks to contribute to advancing interdisciplinary scholarship and facilitate meaningful conversations across disciplines.