The Impact of Trendy Diets on Nutritional Imbalance and Health Risks


  • Zhouhua Wu Author



Trendy diets, social media influence, nutritional imbalance, health risks, dietary guidelines


In nowadays society people are focusing on their well-being and appearance more than ever. Social media has amplified almost every detail on daily occasions, however, such additional attention may not necessarily be beneficial for everyone. Influencers post pictures of their perfect physique and use them for more attention and followers. Among all the so-called ‘secrets’, people are most curious about what they eat and how they eat to look that stunning. Compared to tiring gym sessions and boring lectures about anatomy and physiology, a brand-new revolutionary recipe is far more appealing. The trendy recipes are beneficial to some people who have special needs such as those who are obese, type-II diabetes patients, people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, etc. Such recipes greatly altered the proportions of the different essential nutrients to improve some symptoms that are occurring due to an imbalance of nutrition. However, such a diet may be beneficial to the human body in the short run by adjusting the daily calorie intake and controlling the categories of food in each sitting, in the long run, it would lead to another malfunction of the body due to nutrition imbalance.





