Bluetooth Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) Technology: Principles, Integration, Applications, and Performance Evaluation


  • Jiayu Yuan Author



Active Noise Cancellation (ANC), Bluetooth Audio Transmission, Noise Reduction


Thanks to the development of wireless audio transmission technology, Bluetooth technology made it possible to give users a seamless and convenient connection experience. However, in a noisy environment, preserving the audio quality is still difficult, which motivated people to explore the technology of Active Noise Cancellation (ANC). This paper aims to analyze integration of ANC technology and the potential of Bluetooth audio transmitting to improve the audio effect, especially in application scenarios where clear audio is required. At the beginning of this paper, how Bluetooth and ANC are evolved is reviewed for the preparatory works. Then, the technology mechanism of the ANC and the advantages in particular application scenarios such as Industrial automation and autonomous vehicles are described in detail. In addition, this paper give experimental data to illustrate that the ANC systems is effective in reducing ambient noise. The central technology of ANC system is using a microphone to detect environmental noise information and then creates a sound wave phase-inverted to the original noise to cancel. Furthermore, by connecting artificial intelligence technique, the ANC system dynamically fits from different acoustic environment to improve the audio quality. Finally, the experimental results that are quoted reveal that the advanced ANC system can reduce the noise level in a wide range of environments, cutting down the sound pressure level to 65 dB. It is clearly demonstrated that the ANC technology is widely applicable and effective to enhance the audio experience.





