The Research of Influence Factors that Possibly lead to Depression of Adolescents


  • Sirong Guo Author



Adolescent depression, linear regression mode, influencing factors, phycological disorders


Although many experts are now paying attention to the factors that will lead to adolescent depression, those previous studies have always limited the influencing factors to some simple and direct factors such as academic stress or family background. In fact, there are still many trivial influencing factors that have not been noticed. In this study, the regression model was used to process a dataset about various anxiety indicators and factors of 1100 students collected by two authors and an institution in 2023. The conclusion is that Study load and Bullying have positive impact on depression, and Sleep quality, Living conditions, Academic performance, Social support, and Teachers and students relationship have negative impact on depression. Among them, the positive impact of study load is the highest, which means that the greater the academic pressure, the more likely students are going to be depressed, while the negative impact of social support is the highest, indicating that the lower the social support, the more likely students are to be depressed. These factors have rarely been mentioned in previous studies, but this study provides insights for future research, and these results will raise concerns among parents and schools about these subtle factors.





