This paper explores the application of 5G communication technology in high-precision navigation and positioning systems. 5G, with its low latency, high bandwidth, and advanced features such as millimeter-wave communication, Massive MIMO, and edge computing, has revolutionized the accuracy and reliability of positioning systems. The study highlights the use of millimeter waves in both outdoor and indoor environments, where it provides high precision, even under challenging conditions like signal obstruction or adverse weather. Massive MIMO further enhances spectral efficiency and enables sophisticated functionalities such as multi-target tracking and relative attitude estimation, particularly in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Edge computing is identified as a critical enabler for real-time data processing, reducing latency and improving power efficiency in UAV navigation systems and emergency evacuation applications. Through a comprehensive review of these technologies, the paper discusses the potential of 5G in driving innovation in navigation systems while also addressing key challenges such as signal obstruction and power consumption. The findings underscore the transformative role of 5G in navigation and its implications for future research and industrial applications.