heat treatment, advantages, and disadvantages, improve
The use of asbestos materials in the industry is widespread today. Due to its exceptional high-temperature resistance, affordability, and chemical resistance, asbestos has become a preferred material. If people are exposed to asbestos dust in living environment for an extended period, or if humans experience prolonged exposure to it in the workplace, there is a risk of inhaling asbestos fibers into the lungs, leading to long-term lung damage. Additionally, this exposure can also cause harm to the bronchial tubes and other respiratory system components. Heating asbestos fibers at high temperatures to dissolve them is not a benign method, and the advantages and disadvantages of this approach are thoroughly examined in this article. Regarding asbestos heat treatment, the current feasibility of this method, its advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of various existing asbestos treatment methods are compared with heat treatment methods. Although there are defects in asbestos heat treatment, through investigation, it is found methods to improve the shortcomings of asbestos heat treatment. Data comparison is conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of asbestos heat treatment methods.