Dark matter, Dark energy, Equation of state parameter
mwymwAbstract:This study examines the dynamics of recent findings related to dark matter and dark energy, beginning with an overview of the theoretical concepts. It assesses various potential dark matter entities such as sterile neutrinos and primordial black holes, alongside a hypothesized exotic variant of hydrogen atoms. Different cosmic simulations are explored; THESAN simulations demonstrate the critical role of dark matter in galaxy formation conditions and galaxy stellar masses, while EAGLE simulations show that Maxwellian distributions are still effective for analyzing dark matter dynamics. The concept of dark energy in cosmic acceleration is discussed through the equation of state parameter. Observations from instruments like WMAP and studies of supernovae are explored; findings suggest that phi cold dark matter model (ϕCDM) aligns more closely to current observations compare to traditional lambda cold dark matter model (ΛCDM). Furthermore, the exploration of early dark energy as a potential approach to mitigate the Hubble tension is highlighted, proposing it as a vital factor in reconciling observed discrepancies in cosmic expansion rates.