Support Vector Machine, image classification, text categorization and bioinformatics
After numerous experiments, a lot of data will be obtained, but the classification of fata is complicated and cumbersome. Hence, it is crucial for them to classifier data into different classes in a efficient way so that there is a subject called Support Vector Machine (SVM). Moreover, many research areas use SVM with other mathematical method like physics, chemistry and biology. In this article, the author will fully introduce the history, definition, composition, kernel trick and four common functions about SVM and the widely uses of it in different areas, such as image classification, text categorization and bioinformatics. After showing these typical examples, the result shows that SVM plays an significant role in helping researchers classifier data and getting the most sufficient result in their researches. In the future, there will certainly be more and more studies using this method to efficiently classify data, and scholars in different fields can make reasonable use of this method based on their types of data, thus saving research time and improving the accuracy of results.