An Overview of the Application of Convolutional Neural Networks inSentiment Analysis


  • Hao Wang Author



Natural Language Processing, Convolutional Neural Networks, Sentiment Analysis, Artificial Intelligence


The field of natural language processing, or NLP, uses its understanding of human language to find practical solutions to issues. It mainly includes two parts: the core task and the application. The core task represents the common problem that needs to be solved in various natural language application directions. It includes language models, morphology, grammar analysis, semantic analysis, etc. At the same time, the application section focuses on specific natural language processing tasks such as machine translation, information retrieval, question-answering systems, dialogue systems, etc. Natural language processing has made a significant contribution to the development of human society and the economy and provides strong support for all aspects of research work. Opinion mining, or sentiment analysis, is a subfield of natural language processing that develops systems for identifying and extracting ideas from text. Sentiment analysis is a hot topic since it has many practical applications. Many opinion-expressing texts are available on review sites, forums, blogs, and social media as the amount of publicly available information on the Internet grows. This unstructured information can then be automatically transformed into structured data about products, services, brands, politics, or other topics on which people can express their opinions using sentiment analysis systems. This information can be used for marketing analytics, public relations, product reviews, network sponsor ratings, product feedback, and customer service. With the rapid growth of labeled sample data sets and the notable enhancement in graphics processor (GPU) performance, convolutional neural network research has advanced rapidly and achieved remarkable leads to various computer vision tasks. By reviewing the application of CNN, we see that convolutional operations are naturally suitable for some text processing and, thus, naturally suitable for the background of sentiment analysis.





